Iranian MP: Israel Uses ISIL Instrumentally

Iranian MP: Israel Uses ISIL Instrumentally

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian lawmaker said Israel uses the ISIL terrorist group as a tool to create security crisis in the region in an attempt to divert public attention from its own atrocities against the Palestinian people.

“What we have witnessed during the past months is that the ISIL claims to be defending the rights of Muslims, but in reality we see they have remained silent on the massacre of defenseless people of Gaza by the Zionist regime,” said the Member of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mohammad Hossein Asfari.

He also stressed that such behavior reveals the true nature of ISIL and the proximity between the terrorist group and the Zionist regime.

Asfari also lashed out at the international human rights organizations for their muted response to the massacre defenseless people in Gaza.

“The international organizations’ silence on the crimes against innocent children, women and the Muslim people in Gaza is a scandal for such organizations,” said Asfari.

Israel has launched a new wave of airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip after tensions raged between Palestinians and Israelis following the burning alive of a Palestinian teen in East al-Quds by Zionist settlers.

The death toll from Israel's bombardment of Gaza has increased to over 120 since Tuesday. More than 900 Palestinians have also been injured in the attacks.

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