Palestinians’ Resistance Would Eliminate Zionist Regime: Iran’s DM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian defense minister on Monday slammed the Zionist regime of Israel for its atrocities against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, stressing that the resistance shown by the Palestinian nation would ultimately eliminate the Zionist regime.

Addressing a gathering of his ministry’s staff on Monday, Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said the resistance against the Zionist regime is the only way to free Palestinians.

He condemned Israel's continued crimes, and said, “The Zionist regime takes advantage of the critical situation in the region and commits atrocities against the Muslim Palestinians in Gaza who fast during the month of Ramadan."

The Iranian minister criticized some Islamic countries for their silence on Israel's continued occupation of and aggression against Palestine and the killing of Palestinian people, and stressed that such neutral behavior has encouraged the Zionists to continue their violations.

He further noted that the Muslim nations would definitely condemn Israeli atrocities and would express solidarity with Palestinians’ resistance in the upcoming International Quds Day due to be held on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

Israel has launched a new wave of airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip after tensions raged between Palestinians and Israelis following the burning alive of a Palestinian teen in East al-Quds by Zionist settlers.

The death toll from Israel's bombardment of Gaza has increased to over 170 since Tuesday. More than 1,200 Palestinians have also been injured in the attacks.