Iran to Dispatch Aid Convoy to Gaza Strip

Iran to Dispatch Aid Convoy to Gaza Strip

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A member of the Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security at Iran’s Parliament said the Committee is planning to send a humanitarian aid convoy to the Gaza Strip.

Hassan Kamran said on Tuesday he would lead the convoy to the besieged territory in order to take humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people.

The convoy is scheduled to visit the families of those who were killed or injured during the Israeli aggressions.

The lawmaker said so far 14 members of the parliament have volunteered for the trip, underlining that the diplomatic preparations are being made through Egyptian Interests Section in Tehran.

Kamran added that the convoy would take the aid supplies provided by Iranian nation as well as Iran’s Red Crescent Society (IRCS).

Gaza Strip –the small enclave of 41 kilometers long- has been under Israeli attacks since July 8 as the occupying regime has started a new wave of assaults on defenseless Palestinians following fiascos in 2005 and 2008 when the Israelis had to stop their aggression due to strong resistance of people in Gaza.

So far more than 190 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and at least 1,400 have been wounded.

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