Iran Committed to Geneva Deal, IAEA Confirms

Iran Committed to Geneva Deal, IAEA Confirms

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed in its latest report that Iran has complied with the interim nuclear accord clinched between Tehran and six world powers in November 2013 over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

On Sunday, the IAEA verified Iran’s compliance with the terms of the deal in the monthly update report.

It said the Islamic Republic has eliminated its most sensitive stockpile of enriched uranium gas under the nuclear accord.

Iran and the sextet on November 24, 2013, signed an interim nuclear deal in the Swiss city of Geneva. The breakthrough agreement (the Joint Plan of Action), which came into effect on January 20, had given the parties extendable six months to draw up a comprehensive nuclear deal.

On Friday and after nearly three weeks of intensive diplomatic negotiations in the Austrian capital of Vienna that began on July 2, Iran and the group of six world powers (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) agreed to keep holding talks on Tehran’s nuclear program for four more months.

The parties decided to extend the nuclear talks until November 24 in the hope of clinching a final deal to resolve the decade-long standoff on Iran’s nuclear energy program.


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