Hamas Rejects Presence of Foreign Forces in Gaza

Hamas Rejects Presence of Foreign Forces in Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior member of the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, said the group is against the deployment of foreign forces in the Gaza Strip.

Ismail Ridwan underlined that Hamas would treat any such forces as "occupying forces".   

His comments came after the Zionist regime’s foreign ministry proposed the deployment of an international force in the Gaza Strip to “monitor the reconstruction of the enclave and prevent the rearming of Palestinian factions”, according to Haaretz daily.

An unnamed Israeli official was quoted by Haaretz as saying that the document was drawn up in accordance with ideas received by Germany, Britain, France and other European countries during the recent Israeli offensive against Gaza.

Ridwan said the occupying regime of Israel seeks international interference (in Gaza) to get what it failed to achieve in its aggression against Gaza.

He also stressed that the resistance movement’s weapons are aimed at defending the Palestinians, adding that the international community must work to put an end to the occupation of Palestine and the siege on the Gaza Strip instead of talking about disarming the resistant movement.

The Zionist regime started pounding the Gaza Strip in early July, inflicting heavy losses on the Palestinian land. Almost 2,140 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including women, children and the elderly, were killed in the Israeli onslaught. Around 11,000 others were injured.

The latest Israeli war ended on August 26 by an Egyptian-brokered truce, which took effect after negotiations in Cairo. The deal stipulates the ease of Israel’s seven-year-old blockade as well as the provision of a guarantee that Palestinian demands will be met.

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