Rouhani Reiterates Administration’s Resolve to Confront Iranophobia

Rouhani Reiterates Administration’s Resolve to Confront Iranophobia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined his administration’s resolve to confront ongoing efforts to spread Iranophobia, and said Iran opposes interference in the other country’s affairs.

Addressing a group of Iranian expatriates in Dushanbe, President Rouhani, who is in Tajikistan to attend Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, said his administration has done its best in the past year and the country is moving forward in economic and social fields, as well as in internal and external politics and security.

President Rouhani said his administration is trying to confront Iranophobia since “we are not a nation to interfere in other countries' affairs, neither do we want to make weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).”

As regards Iran’s foreign policy, President Rouhani said that Iran is seeking the development of peace and friendship in the world.

“We look for political, economic and cultural relations with all governments and nations,” he said.

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