Iran Non-Oil Exports Hit 23.2 bln in 6 Months

Iran Non-Oil Exports Hit 23.2 bln in 6 Months

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The value of Iran’s non-oil exports during the first six months of the current Iranian year (Starting on March 21) reached 23.2 billion dollars, the head of Trade Promotion Organization of Iran announced on Tuesday.

The value of Iran’s non-oil exports, including condensate, during the first six months of this year, reached $23.2 billionx, which shows a growth of 20 percent, Valiollah Afkhami said.

China, Iraq, the United Arabic Emirates were among the top importers of the Iranian non-oil products, Afkhami stated.

The countries imported $4.6 billion, $2.8 billion and $1.9 billion worth of goods from Iran respectively, he added.

Meanwhile, the volume of imports to the country reached 26 billion dollars, witnessing a 30 percent rise compared to the same period last year, Afkhami said.

UAE, China, India, South Korea and Turkey were the major countries exporting commodities to Iran.

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