Iran: IAEA Chief’s Report Confirms Tehran’s Commitment to Geneva Deal

Iran: IAEA Chief’s Report Confirms Tehran’s Commitment to Geneva Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The latest report by Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano acknowledges that Tehran is living up to its part of an interim nuclear deal it signed with the world powers in Geneva last year, Iran’s envoy to the UN nuclear watchdog said.

A Friday report by the IAEA chief has admitted that Iran has carried out the whole measures it had promised to undertake voluntarily under the Joint Plan of Action, Iran’s Reza Najafi stressed.  

On November 24, 2013, Iran and the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, France, Britain and China plus Germany), signed a six-month deal on Tehran’s nuclear program in the Swiss city of Geneva.

The Geneva deal (the Joint Plan of Action) came into effect in January and expired in July, when the parties decided to extend negotiations until November 24 in the hope of clinching a final deal that would end a decade of impasse over Tehran’s peaceful nuclear energy program.

Elsewhere in his comments, Najafi made it clear that Amano’s report also verifies that the Islamic Republic’s entire nuclear activities all over the country are “for peaceful purposes under the IAEA’s supervision without any diversion” towards non-civilian objectives.

“Based on the (IAEA) report, there is no secret aspect to Iran’s nuclear program and the artificial concerns of some Western countries regarding Tehran’s nuclear program are unfounded,” Najafi explained.

Amano’s report come as negotiators representing Iran and the six powers are prepared to hold a final round of nuclear talks in the Austrian capital of Vienna from November 18 to 24.

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