Speaker Calls Iran-Russia Ties "Historical"

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani paid tribute to the current level of bilateral relations between Tehran and Moscow, saying that the two countries enjoy close and lasting ties.

Speaking at a joint press conference with visiting Chairman of Russia's State Duma Sergei Naryshkin, Larijani described Tehran-Moscow ties as “very close and continuing ”, saying, “These ties are historical. The two countries are in continued political consultation over key regional and international issues.”

Commenting on subjects discussed in his meeting with Naryshkin, Larijani said that during the meeting, the two sides exchanged views over a whole range of issues, including avenues to promote economic relations and the issue of terrorism.

As regards ways to counter terrorism in the region, Larijani said multilateral cooperation is needed to deal with the issue.

“In the meeting, we also discussed issues relating to Iraq and Syria,” he said, adding that the two sides emphasized the need for countering terrorists through various methods.

He went on to say that Naryshkin’s visit to Tehran would definitely boost parliamentary cooperation.

The Russian parliamentary delegation, headed by Naryshkin, is in Tehran at the invitation of Larijani.

Tehran and Moscow have taken steps to develop bilateral ties in recent months.

In September, Iran and Russia agreed to boost cooperation in the area of economy and to use national currencies in bilateral trade.