ISIL Created by Enemy to Counter Islamic Revolution: IRGC Commander

ISIL Created by Enemy to Counter Islamic Revolution: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The IRGC commander described the creation of ISIL terrorist group as part of a plot hatched by the enemies to confront the Islamic Revolution, but noted that the plot backfired and extended Iran’s influence in other countries instead.

“The enemy created the ISIL to counter the wave of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic movements,” Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said in a conference in Iran’s southern city of Kerman on Wednesday.

However, he added, such a plot backfired, and emergence of the ISIL caused heightened enthusiasm for the Islamic Revolution among the people of Iraq and Syria.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has constantly supported the Syrian and Iraqi governments in their battles against the foreign-backed Takfiri terrorist groups.

The commander also pointed to the increasing influence of the Islamic Revolution in the world, saying Iran has managed to “propagate the idea of resistance” to other nations.

“Without the idea of resistance being exported to countries like Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, it is not clear what the fate of those countries would have been...Yemen’s revolution would have not gained victory without this idea (of resistance),” noted the commander.

He highlighted the resistance of the Iranian people against the bullying powers stressing that the US and Israel will never achieve their “malicious objectives” against the nation.

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