Enemies Using Cyberspace to Undermine Iran, Official Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A senior Iranian judiciary official raised the alarm over the cultural onslaught that enemies have launched against Iran through cyberspace, and said the move is aimed at creating sedition in the country.

“Today, the enemies of Islam and the sacred establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran seek sedition (in the country), and the cyberspace has provided the ground for them,” Iran’s Attorney General Hojatoleslam Seyed Ebrahim Rae’esi said on Friday.

Addressing a congregation of Friday prayers in Tehran, the official emphasized the necessity to safeguard the country’s cyberspace against the cultural onslaught as part of a broader attempt to thwart the threats against the Iranian nation’s “beliefs and ethics”.

One of the main objectives of the enemy’s cultural onslaught is to “disrupt the Islamic lifestyle” and to “secularize the society”, he explained.

The attorney general’s remarks echoes the comment made earlier by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, who in December 2013 warned against the hostile moves by enemies of Iran to damage the country’s cultural values, and urged authorities to deal with the issue of cultural onslaught in a wise and calculated manner.

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei had already urged caution in dealing with the cultural onslaught launched against Iran by the enemies, particularly by the US, and emphasized the need for vigilance in the face of “activity of at least hundreds of audio, video, printed and Internet media in the world with the certain aim of affecting the Iranian nation’s mind and behavior.”