Muallem Lauds Iran’s Unswerving Loyalty to Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem praised Iran for its unwavering support for the Syria nation since the outbreak of a foreign-backed militancy in 2011.

“Iran has been Syria’s loyal friend at all times,” Muallem said in a meeting with Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in Damascus on Sunday.

The Iranian speaker arrived in the Syrian capital earlier in the day on the first leg of a tour of regional countries.

The top Syrian diplomat said Larijani’s visit to the Arab country is of great significance because a lot of “consecutive and rapid events” are taking place across the region.

Larijani plays a leading role in maintaining “brotherly ties” between the Iranian and Syrian nations, Muallem added.

The visiting Iranian speaker, for his part, predicted a“bright future” for Syria, stressing that Syrians should not change the focus from “resistance” as the only approach to victory.

The top Iranian legislator held separate meetings with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and parliament Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham during his stay in Damascus.

The Arab country has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently controlling parts of it mostly in the east.

An estimated 200,000 people have been killed in over three years of fighting in the war-ridden country, according to the United Nations.