Iranian FM Hails China’s Positive Role in Nuclear Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif described China’s role in the nuclear talks between Tehran and world powers as "positive".

In a meeting in Tehran with Xing Ming, Chinese deputy minister of foreign affairs, Zarif thanked Beijing for its positive role in the nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).

Iran and the sextet wrapped up a week of intensive nuclear talks in Vienna on November 24 without reaching a long-awaited deal they were supposed to hammer out by the self-imposed November 24 deadline.

Their negotiations aim to hammer out a final agreement to end more than a decade of impasse over Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program.

The two sides concluded a round of deputy-level talks on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program in Switzerland’s Geneva on December 17.

The Swiss city will reportedly once again host the next round of talks before January 20, 2015.

Also in the meeting, Zarif underlined the strategic ties between Iran and China and said Tehran is ready to expand bilateral relations in all areas.

He also said the two countries share concerns about terrorism and extremism.

Xing Ming, for his part, conveyed the warm greetings of Chinese foreign minister to Zarif.

He said Sino-Iranian relations are growing in all areas and called for the further expansion of economic and trade ties.

The Chinese diplomat also said Beijing wants the nuclear issue to be resolved as soon as possible and that China would welcome a comprehensive nuclear agreement addressing the concerns of both sides.