3 IRGC Personnel Killed by Outlaws in Southeastern Iran

3 IRGC Personnel Killed by Outlaws in Southeastern Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced Monday that it has lost three staffers in an attack launched by armed outlaws in a border area southeast of Iran.

The three personnel were martyred during a mission to assist the local people and ensure security in the region, the Quds Base of the IRGC Ground Force announced in a statement.

The victims, Major Akbar Abdollahnejad, Third-Lieutenant Qodratollah Maandani and Mousa Nasiri Bayat were members of the Fajr 19th corps, whose base is located in the southern province of Fars.

In December 2013, three other IRGC members were killed in the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan after their vehicle was detonated by a booby trap bomb planted by outlaws and drug-traffickers.

They were members of the IRGC engineering division working on construction projects in the border area.


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