Iran Military Drills Sign of Prevailing Security in Oman Sea: Navy Commander

Iran Military Drills Sign of Prevailing Security in Oman Sea: Navy Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Navy commander said the large-scale military exercises, now in progress in south and southeast of the country, are indicative of prevailing security across the Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz, stressing that nobody will be allowed to disrupt such conditions.

“The Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz are among the world’s most important waterways, through which the world economy is flowing. Thus, those areas require the utmost security and stability,” Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said Monday.

He made the comments on the sidelines of massive military drills underway in an area of 2.2 million square kilometers, stretching from the northern Indian Ocean (10 degrees latitude) to the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf.

“By staging this wargame, we announce that security prevails in the region and nobody could disrupt it,” the commander said of the high level of security in Iran’s southern waters.

Another message of the drills, Sayyari added, is that Iran and its neighboring countries can cooperate in light of “Islamic unity” to ensure security in the region.

He further underlined that Iran’s military power poses no threat to any country, but conveys the message of “affection and friendship” to the regional states.

Back on December 27, the top officer had announced that the ongoing wargame has a message for the trans-regional countries, reminding them that Iran is capable of providing security across the region.

Codenamed “Muhammad Rasulullah” (Muhammad, the messenger of God), the exercises began on Thursday and are expected to run until December 31.

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