Zionist Lobbies Seek to Scuttle Final Iran Nuclear Deal: Rafsanjani

Zionist Lobbies Seek to Scuttle Final Iran Nuclear Deal: Rafsanjani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chairman of Iran's Expediency Council (EC) warned on Tuesday that Zionist lobbyists will resort to lies and hostile scenarios to throw a wrench in the process of securing a lasting accord on Tehran's peaceful nuclear program.

"The Zionist lobbies surely do everything to sabotage the final signing (of a deal) in the negotiations," Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said on Tuesday.

He also cautioned against the Zionists' attempts to foment Iranophobia in the world to achieve their objective.

His comments came after Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) on April 2 reached a framework nuclear agreement after more than a week of intensive negotiations in Lausanne, Switzerland, with both sides committed to push for a final, comprehensive accord until the end of June.

Ayatollah Rafsanjani said one of the main features of the Lausanne statement was the world's official recognition of Iran as a country possessing nuclear knowledge. 

According to the Lausanne statement, "Iran will take part in international cooperation in the field of civilian nuclear energy which can include supply of power and research reactors. Another important area of cooperation will be in the field of nuclear safety and security."

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