Nuclear Talks May Go beyond June 30 Deadline: Iran's Negotiator

Nuclear Talks May Go beyond June 30 Deadline: Iran's Negotiator

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian negotiator announced on Wednesday that the talks between Tehran and world powers for clinching a long-awaited deal over the country's nuclear energy program may be extended beyond the self-imposed deadline of June 30.

"We have yet to reach a point where it can be said that (the talks) would conclude quickly," Seyed Abbas Araqchi said, speaking to reporters on Wednesday.

"Negotiations will continue until the specified deadline (June 30), and it might even go beyond that," Araqchi, who is also a deputy foreign minister, said upon his arrival in Vienna, capital of Austria.

He went on to say that Iran is "not bound to time" in the ongoing talks, but seeks to sign a "good deal" that takes into account all of the country's concerns.

Araqchi is in the Austrian capital to attend the new round of negotiations with the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, US, Britain, France, and Germany).

"The fifth round of talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 kicked off yesterday at the level of deputies and experts," Araqchi noted, adding that the negotiations will resume on Wednesday at the level of deputies.

The senior Iranian diplomat went on to say that representatives of other six countries may join the talks on Thursday, but for now, Iran is holding talks with European Union's deputy secretary general for the external action service, Helga Maria Schmid.

"In this round of talks, we will hold negotiations with Ms. Schmid on all areas, and will move the talks forward on all topics simultaneously," he added.

Iran and the world powers are in talks to hammer out a lasting accord that would end more than a decade of impasse over Tehran's civilian nuclear program.

On April 2, the two sides reached a framework nuclear agreement in Lausanne, Switzerland, with both sides committed to push for a final deal until the end of June.

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