Janitors Rally in US Capital, Demanding Full-Time Work (+Photos)

Janitors Rally in US Capital, Demanding Full-Time Work (+Photos)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Tasnim) – Hundreds of janitors marched on McPherson Square in downtown Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to protest poor working conditions and employers' refusal to give them full-time work.

Some 500 workers, sporting purple and yellow signs, shirts and caps, massed in the square along with their supporters and a number of DC City Council members.

Marchers demanded full-time work for janitors, most of whom are hired as part-timers in Washington.

They also voiced support for a bill that would force employers to give full-time jobs with benefits like healthcare.

One of the organizers told Tasnim that janitors want a full-time job with a minimum wage of $15 an hour, with healthcare benefits.

DC City Council members also pledged their support for the janitors and their campaign.

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