Iranian Cleric: Sanctions Should be Terminated, Not Suspended

Iranian Cleric: Sanctions Should be Terminated, Not Suspended

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A top Iranian cleric laid emphasis on the red lines that have to be observed in the negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program, stressing that all economic sanctions imposed on the country should be terminated under a possible final deal, not just suspended temporarily.

Addressing a large crowd of worshippers during Friday prayers in Tehran, Ayatollah Kazem Seddiqi emphasized the necessity for the termination of all anti-Iran financial and banking sanctions, either imposed by the US Congress or administration, under a lasting nuclear agreement with the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).

“The sanctions must be terminated, not suspended, immediately when the agreement is signed,” the cleric urged.

Ayatollah Seddiqi also insisted that Iran’s “nuclear assets” should be taken serious.

He said the country needs 20 megawatts of electricity generated by nuclear power plants, and highlighted the benefits of nuclear know-how in agriculture and other peaceful fields.

In comments back on Tuesday, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei also underlined that a possible final nuclear deal should immediately terminate all sanctions against Iran, either imposed by the UN Security Council or the US.

“The termination of sanctions must not be contingent on the implementation of Iran’s commitments. They should not say that you (Iran) should fulfill your commitments, and the (International Atomic Energy) Agency should then verify it in order for the sanctions to be lifted. We do not accept this issue at all,” Imam Khamenei stated.

On April 2, Iran and the Group 5+1 (also known as the P5+1 or E3+3) reached a framework nuclear agreement in Lausanne, Switzerland, with both sides committed to push for a final deal until the end of June.

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