G5+1 Lacks Consensus on Iran Nuclear Talks: Shamkhani

G5+1 Lacks Consensus on Iran Nuclear Talks: Shamkhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani criticized the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) for a lack of consensus over the nuclear talks with Tehran.

Shamkhani, who was marching in a Friday procession in Tehran to mark the International Quds Day, said, "The fact is that the other side lacks political might, meaning that what they mention at the negotiating table differs from (their remarks in) the media and television."

His comments came amid a decisive round of diplomatic talks between Iran and the six world powers, underway in Vienna, with the aim of striking a final deal on Tehran's nuclear energy program.

"Another aspects of the other side's lack of political might at the negotiating table is that it is unable to carry out what it says inside the American society," he said of the US.

Unlike Iran, which is an independent country making decisions powerfully, the Group 5+1 "lacks consistency and consensus" and is influenced by regional pressures, particularly exerted by the Zionist regime of Israel, Shamkhani noted.

He also expressed the hope that the West would abandon "excessive demands" in the talks.

Shamkhani reiterated that Iran seeks a good nuclear deal, one that would respect the country's red lines.

Over the past two weeks, Iran and the Group 5+1 (also known as the P5+1 or E3+3) have twice extended deadlines for completing a long-term nuclear agreement.

Negotiators have given themselves until the end of the day on Friday.

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