Sea Level to Rise 20 Feet, Climate Scientists Warn

Sea Level to Rise 20 Feet, Climate Scientists Warn

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Scientists are warning that they could increase by more than 20 feet if efforts against global warming fail to control the 2 degrees rise of greenhouse gases.

A new study has warned that sea levels could increase nearly 20 feet above their current levels if the ongoing trend of climate change continues. The estimated mean increase of 20 feet in sea levels could be extremely calamitous to the hundreds of millions of people who are living in coastal area around the world, Perfect Science reported on Sunday.

The researchers reached the threatening conclusion after analyzing thirty years of extensive research on the historic effects of melting ice sheets of polar. They also found that global sea levels previously also increased to nearly 20 feet above the levels right now on many occasions over the past three million years.

The amount of melting was caused by an increase of only one-two degrees Celsius in global mean temperatures which is the most concerning thing.
Lead researcher Andrea Dutton, of University of Florida, said, "As the planet warms, the poles warm even faster, raising important questions about how ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica will respond. While this amount of sea-level rise will not happen overnight, it is sobering."

The findings of the study appeared in the most recent issue of the journal Science.

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