Nuclear Talks Could Run On as Long as Needed: Iran's FM

Nuclear Talks Could Run On as Long as Needed: Iran's FM

VIENNA (Tasnim) – Diplomatic negotiations between Iran and six world powers can go on as long as necessary, Iran's foreign minister and chief negotiator announced on Monday, while rejecting the idea of an extension.

"We believe there should not be any extension (of the nuclear talks). However, we can keep working as long as needed," Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Vienna on Monday.

Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) have been holding meetings in Vienna over the past two weeks to nail down a historic deal on Tehran's nuclear energy program.

They have given themselves until Monday to reach the long-awaited accord. An initial self-imposed deadline of June 30 has been extended three times in the past two weeks.

In the meantime, senior Iranian negotiator Abbas Arqchi has played down expectations that the remaining sticking points in the talks would be resolved on Monday or even Tuesday night.

"I would not promise that the (outstanding) issues will be settled tonight or tomorrow night," Araqchi said on Monday.

"The negotiations have reached the final breathtaking moments. There still remain problems," he stated, adding that one cannot say the two sides have reached an agreement unless those problems are resolved.

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