Bahrain’s Al-Wefaq Urges Immediate Release of Senior Cleric

Bahrain’s Al-Wefaq Urges Immediate Release of Senior Cleric

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Bahrain’s main opposition bloc, Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, urged the world community and international organizations to make efforts to secure the release of senior cleric and former MP Sheikh Hassan Isa.

Al-Wefaq in a statement called on the United Nations and other international bodies as well as NGOs to take action to find the fate of Sheikh Isa, who was arrested by Al Khalifa regime’s security force on Tuesday.

According to the opposition bloc’s website, no information has been made available on the reason behind the arrest.

Sheikh Isa’s lawyer has been prevented from attending his interrogation, communicating with him and reading the lawsuit papers.

The arrest indicates an intensified targeting of clerics and political, social and religious activists in Bahrain, Al-Wefaq underlined.

It called for the immediate release of Sheikh Isa and the prisoners of conscience in Bahrain and stressed respect of human rights.   

Bahrain has been the scene of almost daily protests against the Al Khalifa regime since early 2011, when an uprising began in the Persian Gulf country.

Scores of Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds of others wounded and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on peaceful protests.

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