Report: US Christian Leaders Back Iran Nuclear Deal

Report: US Christian Leaders Back Iran Nuclear Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – More than 50 US Christian leaders have stood up for the conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and world power, urging the Congress to “remember the wisdom of Jesus” and approve the agreement, media reports said.

“As faith leaders from the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in war, we have a particular responsibility to speak boldly when opportunities arise that lead to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation at home and around the world,” the 51 faith leaders write in a letter, Politico reported on Monday.

“This historic accord moves us one small step closer to a world free of nuclear weapons,” they added.

The letter, which will be sent to lawmakers Tuesday, goes on, “This is a moment to remember the wisdom of Jesus who proclaimed from the Sermon on the Mount, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God’ (Matthew 5:9)… There is no question we are all better off with this deal than without it.”

Signatories include Adam Estle, executive director of Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding; Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, legate with the Armenian Orthodox Church; and the Rev. Paula Clayton Dempsey of the Alliance of Baptists. Joel C. Hunter, a spiritual adviser to President Barack Obama and senior pastor with Northland, A Church Distributed, also signed, as did Sister Simone Campbell, who has led the “Nuns on the Bus” campaigns for social justice.

Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) finalized the text of lasting deal on Tehran’s nuclear program on July 14.

While the United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution to endorse the deal, the text of the document needs to be ratified by both Iran's Parliament and the US Congress.

US President Barack Obama has promised a swift veto in the event of a Congress rejection of the agreement in September. Lawmakers would then have to find enough votes to override the president.

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