Democratic Congressman Backs Iran Nuclear Agreement

Democratic Congressman Backs Iran Nuclear Agreement

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Democratic congressman, José E. Serrano, has announced support for the conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers, stressing that the agreement "is better than no deal".

“In comparing this agreement to the alternatives, I think it is clear that continued collaboration with our allies is the best approach. This agreement will significantly reduce the number of centrifuges in operation and will impose strict restrictions on the level of enrichment that Iran is allowed to conduct," E. Serrano of New York said in a statement published on his blog, the New York Times reported on Saturday.

" In addition" he stated "the agreement provides for a robust verification and inspection mechanism in which the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will have access to the Iranian nuclear facilities. Contrary to what the opposition claims, this agreement is much better than no deal."

Serrano represents heavily black and Hispanic districts in the city.

"The agreement guarantees the removal of 98 percent of the enriched uranium stockpile in Iran, places strict restrictions on Iran’s research and development, severely delays any timeline for Iran to manufacture a nuclear weapon, and effectively halts Iran’s current efforts," the statement added. 

“Furthermore, this agreement contains an important snapback mechanism that automatically re-imposes sanctions should Iran violate a provision of the agreement," it further read.

Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany- also known as P5+1 or E3+3) finalized the text of lasting deal on Tehran’s nuclear program on July 14.

When Congress returns to Capitol Hill from its August recess after Labor Day, both the House and Senate are expected to vote on resolutions disapproving the July 14 accord.

While it is expected Congress will vote to disapprove the deal, President Obama can veto their disapproval, and Republicans are unlikely to have the votes to override that veto as so far 30 US Democratic Senators have come in favor of the deal.

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