Iranian Diplomat: Tehran-Moscow Relations Strategic

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian official described the existing relations between Tehran and Moscow as “multifaceted” and “strategic”.

“The relations between the two nations are strategic and multifaceted. The officials (of both countries) always exchange views. This cooperation is beneficial for both sides,” said Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia and Pacific Affairs Ebrahim Rahimpour in an interview with Azerbaijan's Trend News Agency on Monday.

Rahimpour said the two countries have always maintained good ties in various fields, including education, security and military but should boost their trade and economic cooperation as well.

Back on August 17, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the final agreement on the Iranian nuclear program has great importance for the cooperation between Russia and Iran.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran attaches great importance to relations with Russia… and we are taking all the necessary measures to step up cooperation with you,” Zarif said during a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

He added that a final deal on Iran’s nuclear program has “huge impact” on the Islamic Republic’s cooperation with Russia, including in the military–industrial complex.

According to the Iranian minister, the nuclear agreement reached on July 14 has great importance for developing relations and cooperation between the two countries, “including in the defense sector”.

As a member of the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), Russia devoted a great deal of effort to finalize the text of a lasting accord on Iran’s nuclear energy program.

Dubbed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the 159-page document has subjected Iran and the six other countries to comply with a series of commitments, resulting in the termination of sanctions on Iran in exchange for certain restrictions on Tehran’s nuclear program during a defined period of time.