Iran, Russia’s Top Science Centers Sign MoU

Iran, Russia’s Top Science Centers Sign MoU

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) signed a memorandum of understanding on close scientific cooperation for 10 years.

The MoU was signed in Moscow on the last day of Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Sorena Sattari’s 4-day stay in Russia.

INSF chief, Nosratollah Zarqam and chairman of the board of the RFBR, Panchenko Vladislav Yakovlevich, signed the MoU.

The other ranking officials in the ceremony on signing the document included Andrei Fursenko, aide to the Russian president and Victor Sadovnichy, head of Moscow State University.

According to Iran’s Vice President Sattari, the MoU will have the two countries carry out joint scientific projects, exchange researchers, and hold joint training courses under supervision of experienced professors.

The agreement will have effect for 5 years, and will be extended automatically for more 5 years afterwards.

During their stay in Russia, Sattari and the accompanying delegation met a host of top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, signed a number of agreements, and attended the International Aviation and Space Show (MAKS-2015).

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