Republicans to Make Final Push on Iran Deal

Republicans to Make Final Push on Iran Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Headstrong opponents of the Iran nuclear agreement are set to try their hardest on Tuesday to undercut the accord after their first round failure in the Senate, media reports said.

GOP lawmakers will be back at the Iran agreement on Tuesday to either scuttle it or push Democrats to vote differently on it, The Hill reported.

“This debate is far from over and, frankly, it's just beginning,” House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio pledged earlier on Thursday soon after the Republicans failed to kill the July 14 deal. 

“This is a bad deal with decades-long consequences for the security of the American people and our allies,” he added. “And we'll use every tool at our disposal to stop, slow and delay this agreement from being fully implemented.”

Later, majority leader Mitch McConnell also said that Republicans will visit again to debate the deal. 

“We’ll revisit the issue next week, and see if maybe any folks want to change their minds,” he said.

42 Democrats voted on Thursday in favor of the agreement and prevented a resolution disapproving the deal.

Under a law Obama signed in May, Congress has a 60-day period ending on September 17 to pass a resolution disapproving of the July 14 agreement.

If such a resolution were to pass, and survive Obama's promised veto, it would bar the president from waiving many US sanctions on Tehran, a key component of the nuclear deal.

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