Majority of US Citizens Surveyed Consider Congress 'Out of Touch', Corrupt

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Around 80 percent of Americans consider that most members of Congress were out of touch with average US residents, while 52 percent of respondents were confident that Congress members were corrupt, according to the poll.

An overwhelming majority of US residents answering a new survey consider Congress to be corrupt and out of touch with the US people, Sputnik cited a Gallup poll as saying on Monday.

Some 79 percent of those polled felt that most members of Congress were out of touch with average US residents, while 52 percent of respondents were confident that Congress members were corrupt.

Another 69 percent of those interviewed by Gallup said that Congress members were much more focused on the needs of special interests than the needs of their constituents.

According to Gallup, US residents have previously polled less critical of their own Congress members.

The research was conducted from September 9-13 among some 1,025 US citizens of voting age from each of the 50 US states and the District of Columbia.