US House Accuses Obama of Congressional Review Law Violation

US House Accuses Obama of Congressional Review Law Violation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution, insisting that President Obama has violated the terms of Congressional review law by not providing the Congress with all the documents related to Iran nuclear agreement.

Representative Peter Rosakm, 6th Congressional District of Illinois, rallied support for his proposal on Thursday, arguing that the Iran accord should be delayed until the Obama administration provides Congress with the text of side deals between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), The Hill reported on Thursday. 

The content of the side deals reveal details about international inspections at some Iranian nuclear sites.

The Obama team itself does not have access to the deal as the IAEA is duty-bound to keep the documentation of nuclear agreements confidential. 

Still, some Republicans say the lack of information about the inspections agreed to between Iran and the IAEA leaves lawmakers in the dark and  argue Obama did not submit the entirety of the agreement over for congressional review, thus breaking the law.

“If you read the provisions in (the congressional review law), it’s pretty clear that the president has not complied,” Boehner said during a press conference on Thursday. “Because it makes clear that any side agreements and any other type of an agreement — including those that do not directly involve us — must be turned over as part of it. I do not believe that he’s complied," House Speaker John Boehner said. 

On Thursday, House members voted strictly along party lines, with 245 Republicans voting yes and 186 Democrats voting no, to pass a resolution contending that Obama had not complied with terms of the Iran nuclear review act he signed in May. 

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