200 Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Village with Firebombs

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – More than 200 Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinian villages of Wad al-Haseen and Wad al-Nasara near the illegal Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba overnight in the eastern Hebron district of the occupied southern West Bank, locals and medics said.

During the attack, Israeli settlers threw stones and firebombs at Palestinian homes and injured at least three people, while Israeli forces later shot and injured one Palestinian with live fire, Ma'an News Agency reports.

Kayed Daana, one of the residents whose home was attacked told Ma’an that dozens of Israeli settlers attacked her neighborhood and injured at least three of her neighbors who have been identified as 40-year-old Imad and two minors, Abdullah, 13, and Muhammad, 17.

Muhammad's injuries were the most serious of the three, as he was hit in the chest with one of the fire bombs, medics said.

Daana told Ma'an that she would like to urge the International Red Cross and others in the international community to intervene against Israeli violations and attacks on Palestinians.

Bassam al-Jabri, one of the residents, said he saw the attacking Israeli settlers cutting the blockade fence that separates the illegal Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arab from nearby Palestinian homes under the protection of the Israeli troops. They later attacked his neighborhood with fire bombs.

Al-Jabri's house was one of those set ablaze, but he and his neighbors were able to extinguish the fire before everything in the house turned into ashes.

During the attacks, Palestinian villagers fled to their local mosques and used the amplifiers to call for help from neighboring Palestinian villages and communities, who responded to their calls.

Israeli forces the got involved, shooting tear gas at Palestinians who showed up to help.

Community member Farid al-Razim, told Ma’an that villagers in his area came under simultaneous attacks by Israeli settlers as well as Israeli forces. One of the Palestinians from a neighboring village who had come to help was shot and injured with live fire.

While relations between Palestinian residents and Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank are normally tense, simmering hostilities boiled over when settlers set on fire a home belonging to the Duwabsha family in Nablus on July 31.

An 18-month-old toddler was burned alive during the attack, while his mother and father succumbed to their burn wounds while being treated at separate hospitals. The family's four-year-old son is the only survivor of the attack.