Iranian, Russian FMs Confer on Syria Crisis

Iranian, Russian FMs Confer on Syria Crisis

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov discussed the ongoing crisis in Syria.

In a phone conversation on Tuesday, Zarif and Lavrov exchanged views on ways to resolve the Syrian crisis, Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement, Reuters reported.

The ministry said it had been stressed during the call that urgent measures should be taken to improve political dialogue within Syria, and that all the main countries in the region should be involved in that process.

The telephone conversation was the third between Zarif and Lavrov over the past week during which the two foreign ministers discussed the ongoing crises in the Middle East, particularly the Syria conflict.

They spoke over the phone on October 24 and 26 preceded by a meeting between the foreign ministers of Russia, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Turkey in Vienna on October 23 which focused on the settlement of the Syria crisis.

Syria has been in a state of civil war since 2011. Syrian army has been fighting several opposition factions and numerous militant groups, including ISIL.

On September 30, Russia began precision airstrikes on ISIL positions in Syria at the request of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Since the beginning of the air campaign, Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out hundreds strikes, killing several hundred militants and destroying dozens of command centers, and depots used by the terrorists.

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