Turkey Beefs Up Security Measures ahead of G20 Summit

Turkey Beefs Up Security Measures ahead of G20 Summit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Turkey has boosted the security in and around Mediterranean resort city of Antalya ahead of G20 Leaders Summit that will take place on November 15-16.

The summit, expected to draw some 13,000 visitors, will host the leaders of the world's major economies, Xinhua reported.

Turkey’s Interior Minister Selami Altinok visited Antalya last week, inspecting the measures that have been taken in lieu of the summit.

"We have reviewed measures in place. Preparations are completed. Turkey and Antalya is ready for the summit," he noted.

Antalya Governor Muammer Turker announced that some 12,000 security personnel will be deployed to provide security for the summit.

The hotels and convention centers that will accommodate the guests will be locked down under tight security measures, allowing only accredited visitors to come in and go.

The governor said high-tech surveillance cameras that were equipped with facial recognition and license tag recognition systems were installed around the host site.

The coast guard will provide protection from the sea while aerial surveillance will monitor activity on the air. A no-fly zone is expected to be declared around the site.

Turkish Air Force will continuously fly E-7T airborne early warning and control aircraft over Antalya skies to monitor air traffic. The air force also deployed F-16 fighter jets in Antalya airport to scramble in case of emergency.

Turkery assured that they have planned for very contingency with first responders standing by in case something happens.

The security services have set up a command and control center to monitor all security measures in and around the resort area.

Ahead of the summit, Turkish police detained 20 suspected ISIL militants in Antalya province as part of the government drive to crack down on extremist group.

Twin bombings in Ankara on October 10 that killed 102 people, the worst terrorist attack in the nation's history, is blamed on the ISIL terrorists.

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