Egypt Finds 15 Dead African Refugees near Israel Border: Sources

Egypt Finds 15 Dead African Refugees near Israel Border: Sources

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Egyptian police have found the bodies of 15 African asylum seekers in the turbulent area of northern Sinai near the border with Israel, security sources said Sunday.

The African refugees were shot dead in an attack in northern Sinai, near Israel, Reuters reported.

Another eight migrants had been wounded in the attack, the report added.

Ambulances rushed to the scene south of the town of Rafah on the border between Egypt and the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

It was not clear which countries they originated from.

African refugees have long been mistreated in Israel, which has pressed them to go back home or face indefinite imprisonment.

The Israeli regime’s strict policy towards asylum seekers includes building a fence along the Egyptian border, denying illegal migrants work permits and holding them in a detention center in the desert.

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