Paris Extends Ban on Rallies until Nov 30 Start of UN Climate Talks: Police

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Paris has extended a ban on public gatherings introduced after the terror attacks in the French capital until Nov. 30, the start of UN climate talks, the city's police headquarters said Saturday.

In a statement the prefecture recalled the "extreme seriousness" of last week's attacks, which left 130 people dead and prompted the government to put in place a three-month state of emergency.

Authorities have already banned two citizens' rallies planned around the climate summit that will be attended by 138 heads of state and government after the worst-ever 'terror' attack on French soil, according to AFP.

The French government has said it will not "give in" to "terrorism" and insists the long-anticipated conference will go ahead.

A state of emergency put in place immediately after the Nov. 13 attacks was this week extended to three months.

It allows government to place under house arrest anyone considered to be a threat to security, and police to launch raids without advance authorization from the courts.

Hundreds of such raids have taken place this week, turning up weapons arsenals in people's homes – a rocket-launcher in one case – and the flag of ISIL, which claimed the attack.

While the state of emergency does not allow control of the press, the interior ministry said it reserves the right to block websites or social media accounts promoting terrorism.

It also allows authorities to dissolve groups or associations participating in, facilitating or inciting acts which threaten public safety.