Leader: Resistance, Only Path to Progress for Independent Countries

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Monday denounced the policies of the arrogant powers in the world, saying that the only path for independent countries’ progress today is one of resistance and reliance on the masses.

Today, humanity is plagued by hegemonic policies, Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with visiting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro here in Tehran, stressing that “resistance and reliance on the masses” are the only paths to progress and victory for independent countries in “the battle of wills”.

“Wars in today’s world are actually ‘battles of wills’, and you (Venezuelan nation) will be able to overcome problems through resistance and strength of (your) wills and by using your country’s abundant capacities,” Imam Khamenei added.

The Leader further slammed the United States’ greed in Latin America, saying, “The US considered this region as its backyard, but Venezuela’s unprecedented movement could turn the region into an independent spot with (its own) identity.” 

Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to the US policy of putting pressure on Venezuela as being aimed at crushing the “inspiring” resistance of the South American country’s people and government.

Maduro, for his part, underlined the necessity for defending national independence, adding that Imperialism is seeking to destroy the independence of nations by creating chaos in the world and humiliating other countries’ identity.

The Venezuelan president went on to say that his country’s nation and government are prepared to counter the US plots, reaffirming that Venezuela should defeat the enemies in the war of wills by relying on its people.

Maduro is in Tehran to attend the 3rd GECF (Gas Exporting Countries Forum) Summit.