Iran’s Navy Set to Stage Sub Exercises

Iran’s Navy Set to Stage Sub Exercises

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Navy will conduct a specialized maneuver in the Sea of Oman next week using a range of underwater craft, including homegrown submarines, commander of the force said.

Speaking to reporters in the southern port city of Bushehr on Wednesday, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said modern underwater craft will be employed in the forthcoming drill, including “Tareq” and “Ghadir” submarines.

During the maneuver, to be held on the occasion of the Navy Day (November 28), a combination of naval exercises will be held, displaying different capabilities and tactics, the commander noted.  

Rear Admiral Sayyari had earlier unveiled plans for staging a large-scale naval war game, codenamed Velayat 94, in the fourth quarter of the current Iranian year, which falls between December 22, 2015 and March 20, 2016.

He had also announced that the Navy would hold a joint drill with the Omani forces this year to exercise rescue and relief operations.

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