China Opposes US Restrictions on ZTE over Trade with Iran

China Opposes US Restrictions on ZTE over Trade with Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – China’s Commerce Ministry on Tuesday said it was strongly opposed to a recent US move to place export restrictions on Chinese telecoms equipment maker ZTE Corp for reportedly selling US technology to Iran.

In a statement published on its website, the Chinese Commerce Ministry condemned the move and said it will influence the routine activities of Chinese companies in the US.

"The US move will severely affect normal operations of Chinese companies. China will continue negotiating with the US side on this issue," the ministry said.

The US Commerce Department has decided to place export restrictions on Chinese telecoms giant ZTE for allegedly selling American technology to Iran. The move will take effect on Tuesday.

The company issued a statement late on Sunday saying it was “highly concerned” about the latest reports.

The US Commerce Department has been investigating ZTE since 2012 after mainstream media outlets reported that it had signed contracts to ship millions of dollars of hardware and software from leading US tech companies to Iran’s largest telecoms carrier, Telecommunication Co of Iran, and an associated firm.

It comes at a time when foreign firms are rushing to rekindle their trade ties with Iran since Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) on July 14, 2015 finalized a comprehensive deal on Tehran’s nuclear program and implemented it on January 16.

Meanwhile, Iranian officials have repeatedly warned against US potential lack of commitment to the terms laid down in the JCPOA and believe such moves demonstrate that Washington has failed to make good on its side of bargain.

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