Iran Boosting Military Capabilities to Counter US Threats: Commander

Iran Boosting Military Capabilities to Counter US Threats: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi slammed Washington for its hostilities toward the Iranian nation and said the Islamic Republic continues to enhance its military capabilities to counter US threats.

Addressing a gathering of foreign military attachés in Tehran on Wednesday, Fadavi praised the Iranian Armed Forces’ military preparedness in the Persian Gulf, saying, “Today, nobody can claim that insecurity has been created because of the Islamic Revolution’s (military) power and capabilities in the region.”

On the contrary, he said, the Islamic Republic is among the main victims of insecurity, which has its roots in the US hostilities toward the country since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

The commander further emphasized that Iran has become very powerful and strong in the face of US threats, adding that it is natural for every country or military force threatened by other countries to strengthen its capabilities against threats.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency last week, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari also slammed the US government’s enmities and its opposition to Iran’s military presence in the Persian Gulf, saying that though enemies do not want the country to have presence in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf, “we will continue our powerful presence in the two areas … and stage our wargames.”

In relevant remarks, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a speech on May 2, hammered the US for its schemes against Iran’s military presence in the Persian Gulf and made it clear that the Islamic Republic will continue to demonstrate power at its home, the Persian Gulf.

“The Persian Gulf is the Iranian nation’s home ..., and the coasts of the Persian Gulf and large parts of the Sea of Oman coasts belong to this strong nation,” Imam Khamenei said, in an address to a gathering of teachers in Tehran.

Taking a swipe at the US Congress for plans against Iran’s naval drills, the Leader added, “Today, the enemies are biting off more than they can chew. For example, they draw plans that Iran should not hold military war games in the Persian Gulf.”

Imam Khamenei stressed that the great Iranian nation can respond to all those excessive demands, stressing, “We must be present in that region (the Persian Gulf), hold war games and demonstrate power.”

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