Tiny Origami Robot to Operate inside Stomach?

Tiny Origami Robot to Operate inside Stomach?

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - In experiments involving a simulation of the human esophagus and stomach, researchers have demonstrated a tiny origami robot that can unfold itself from a swallowed capsule and crawl across the stomach wall to remove a swallowed button battery or patch a wound.

The study was conducted by researchers at MIT, the University of Sheffield, and the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The new work, presented at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, builds on a long sequence of papers on origami robots from the research group of Daniela Rus, the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Professor in MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

"It's really exciting to see our small origami robots doing something with potential important applications to health care," says Rus, who also directs MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). "For applications inside the body, we need a small, controllable, untethered robot system. It's really difficult to control and place a robot inside the body if the robot is attached to a tether."

Although the new robot is a successor to one reported at the same conference last year, the design of its body is significantly different. Like its predecessor, it can propel itself using what's called a "stick-slip" motion, in which its appendages stick to a surface through friction when it executes a move, but slip free again when its body flexes to change its weight distribution.

Also like its predecessor -- and like several other origami robots from the Rus group -- the new robot consists of two layers of structural material sandwiching a material that shrinks when heated. A pattern of slits in the outer layers determines how the robot will fold when the middle layer contracts.

Every year, 3,500 swallowed button batteries are reported in the US alone. Frequently, the batteries are digested normally, but if they come into prolonged contact with the tissue of the esophagus or stomach, they can cause an electric current that produces hydroxide, which burns the tissue.

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