Syria Peace Talks off Table for Now

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The UN envoy for Syria plans a resumption of peace talks “as soon as feasible” between the government and opposition, but he set no new date and expects that it will “certainly not” come within the next two to three weeks, his office said.

The lack of a solid date from Staffan de Mistura for the resumption testifies to continued violence in Syria and difficulties for UN efforts to ship humanitarian aid to beleaguered Syrians . The talks were suspended last month with little to no progress.

De Mistura, in a closed-door videoconference briefing to the UN Security Council, “reiterated the need to see progress on the ground – particularly in reference to the cessation of hostilities and humanitarian access,” his office said in a statement on Thursday, the Daily Star reported. 

“He briefed on his intention to start the next round of talks as soon as feasible but certainly not within the next two-three weeks,” it said.

Lavrov said in a news conference that Russia and the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Countries countries remained committed to the International Support Group of Syria’s decisions.

“The (P)GCC and Russia share similar views in respecting nations’ sovereignty, committing to the international law and not interfering in internal affairs,” he said.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Lavrov and the PGCC ministers agreed on many issues, but were unable to come to agreement over Syria.

Speaking to reporters earlier Thursday, de Mistura noted a “sense of urgency” for resuming the talks before Aug. 1, a previously announced deadline for an agreement.