Hackers of Government Website Traced Back to Saudi Arabia: Iran’s Police

Hackers of Government Website Traced Back to Saudi Arabia: Iran’s Police

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Cyber Police Chief General Kamal Hadianfar said a recent cyber-attack against a government website in the country has been traced back to IP addresses in three Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia.

The country’s cyber police unit has carried out a series investigations, learning that hackers from three Arab states, mainly Saudis, were behind a cyber-attack launched on the Statistics Centre of Iran on May 24, General Hadianfar said on Sunday.

He also said Iran has submitted a report regarding the IPs and exact locations of the hackers to Saudi Arabia via International police body Interpol to take the necessary steps on this issue and arrest the cyber criminals.

The Statistics Centre of Iran was subjected to a cyber-attack by online hackers according to reports on Wednesday.

Elsewhere in his remarks, General Hadianfar referred to a cyber-attack allegedly launched by Iranian hackers on a number of Saudi government websites, stressing that no “organized” attack has been carried out from Iran on Saudi websites.

He added that those who launched the attack may have done it in an “emotional” move.

General Hadianfar also noted that Iran has not yet received any reports with respect to the attack from the Saudi side.

On Saturday, Head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali said the country plans to stage specialized war games in coming months to increase its cyber defense capabilities.

Brigadier General Jalali pointed to cyber threats against Iran, saying that many hostile countries have established cyber armies and the Islamic Republic is one of their possible targets.

“Holding specialized cyber war games is one of the priorities (of the Civil Defense Organization) this year,” the official said, adding that the exercises are aimed at monitoring and eliminating any problems and weaknesses in the country’s cyber defense network.

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