S Korea’s Ssangyong Exports 6,823 Vehicles to Iran in 11 Months

S Korea’s Ssangyong Exports 6,823 Vehicles to Iran in 11 Months

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ssangyong Motor Company, a Korea-based company engaged in the manufacture and sale of automobiles, said it has shipped a total of 6,823 vehicles to Iran in the first 11 months of 2016.

In a statement on Wednesday, the company said the figure during the January-November period marks a sevenfold increase from a year earlier and is expected to top 8,000 units this year, Yonhap news agency reported.

In the first 11 months, Ssangyong Motor managed to export a total of 6,823 sport-utility vehicle (SUV) Tivoli to Iran.

Back in May, Iran and South Korea signed 19 memorandums of understanding at a high-profile ceremony in Tehran, attended by the two countries’ presidents.

Cabinet ministers and senior officials from the two countries signed the documents as part of efforts to boost the relations between Tehran and Seoul.

The deals were meant to boost bilateral collaborations in a range of fields, from maritime transportation to industrial and academic issues.


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