Enemies Failed to Harm Islamic Awakening Movement: Iran’s Velayati

Enemies Failed to Harm Islamic Awakening Movement: Iran’s Velayati

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary-General of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening Ali Akbar Velayati underlined that plots hatched by enemies of the Islamic Awakening to undermine the popular movement have get nowhere even by creating Takfiri groups.

“More than 5 years has passed from the beginning of the Islamic Awakening movement and the formation of World Assembly of Islamic Awakening by the foresight and initiative of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei,” Velayati said at the 10th session of the Supreme Council of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening in Tehran on Thursday evening, attended by Islamic figures and scholars from different countries.

“Enemies and opponents of the Islamic awakening failed practically to realize their plans for dividing us and their wishes in harnessing this enormous movement, even by organizing Takfiri groups as a rival for Islamic Awakening,” he added.

“However, the evil and illegitimate face of Takfiris and their regional and international supporters has been revealed to the public, scholars, thinkers, Islamic leaders and nations more than ever. It made the Muslim world united against brutalities of Takfiri terrorists,” Velayati said, according to the official website of the Islamic Awakening.

He also emphasized on the need for a comprehensive confrontation with the Takfiris and said, “defeating Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) and other Takfiri groups in Iraq and Syria will create great opportunities for the Muslim world. On one hand, it will increase spirit of Jihad and confidence to fight against extremist and Takfiri terrorist groups and on the other hand Islamic Awakening movement will be growing more and more.”

Velayati further stressed the important role of Islamic awakening summit in the developments of the Islamic world and stated, “The conference with its entire disposal will put all its efforts and potential to help the rising tide of Islamic Awakening throughout the borders of Islam and give hope to the Muslim nations. Islam not only is a religion of kindness but also is a religion of resistance and power. This is not fair that in today’s world the hegemonic system, minority equipped with weapons economy and militarism, be at the lead and Muslims who are heirs of a great civilization, enjoy abundant oil and non-oil resources and the vast majority of one and a half billion to be followers.”

Velayati also highlighted the role of Islamic scholars in current situation and said, “today, scholars, thinkers, intellectuals and the leaders of Islamic communities have an important mission to show Takfiris’ ominous face and clarify the necessity of fighting Takfiris and sedition and conspiracy against the Islamic religion. They are obligated to fulfill their task derived from Islamic Awakening; the important tasks like confronting the hegemonic system and not obeying the enemies of Islam and Muslims.”

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