Yemeni Army Fires Ballistic Missile at Positions of Saudi Mercenaries

Yemeni Army Fires Ballistic Missile at Positions of Saudi Mercenaries

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Yemeni army and popular committees mounted a ballistic missile attack against Saudi Arabia’s mercenaries in Ma'rib Province, some 120 kilometers east of Sana'a, in retaliation for continued killings of civilians by a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.  

The Yemeni army fired a ballistic missile at a gathering of the Saudi mercenaries near al-Tadavin military base in Ma'rib, the Arabic-language Al-Manar TV network reported on Tuesday.

The report came a day after the missile command of the Yemeni army reportedly fired a long-range ballistic missile hitting a military target west of the Saudi capital of Riyadh, according to the report.

There were no immediate reports of casualties and the extent of the damages inflicted on the Saudi-led coalition forces.

The forces of the Arabian Peninsula country have already hit Saudi positions with various homegrown ballistic missiles, including “Qaher-1”, which has a range of 500 kilometers, and “Borkan-1”.

The solid propellant and Scud-type Borkan-1 missile reportedly has a range of more than 800 kilometers.

The missile attacks are in response to the aggression launched by Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies in March 2015.

The Saudi-led coalition has been launching deadly airstrikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in the past year and a half in an attempt to restore power to the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

Some 11,000 Yemenis, including women and children, have lost their lives in the deadly military campaign.

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