Friday Rallies Firm Response to َThreats: Iran’s Rezaei

Friday Rallies Firm Response to َThreats: Iran’s Rezaei

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei described the huge nationwide rallies marking the victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution as a decisive response to foreign threats against the Iranian nation.

Speaking to Tasnim on the sidelines of  massive rallies in the city of Karaj on Friday morning, Rezaei said the huge turnout in the demonstrations is an assertion that people of Iran respond to the threats decisively.

Anybody intending to counter the Islamic Revolution would face the Iranian nation’s reaction, he added.

As regards the new US president’s anti-Iran rhetoric, Rezaei said Trump is “not the first one talking like this,” recommending him to take a look at the past.

People of Iran poured into the streets on Friday to mark the 38th anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

This year’s rallies have seen more anti-US sentiments given Donald Trump’s outspoken criticism of Iran and his executive order banning Iranian people from entering the US.

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