President Advises ‘Rookie’ Politicians to Treat Iran with Respect

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reminded “rookie politicians” in the Middle East and the US that the “language of respect and dignity” is the only manner of treating the Iranian nation.

“We are experiencing conditions in which some novices have come to power in the region, in the world and in the US, as they should all know that they have to talk to the Iranian nation with the language of respect and dignity,” President Rouhani said in an address to people attending huge rallies in Tehran on Friday to mark the 38th anniversary of victory of the Islamic Revolution.

“The (Iranian) nation gives decisive response to threats,” he underlined.

The president also warned the enemies making threats against the Iranian government or armed forces that the Islamic Republic enjoys an “integrated and vigilant nation” that does its utmost to stand against the ill-wishers.

His comments came after Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei reminded the new US president on Tuesday that Iran is not afraid of threats, noting that Trump would get a response for his comments and threats in the rallies marking the Islamic Revolution’s victory anniversary.

On Friday, millions of people in capital Tehran, more than 1,000 other cities and towns, and in 4,000 villages, poured into the streets with flags of Iran and banners in support of the Islamic Republic.

Demonstrators hung Trump in effigy, burned the US and Israeli flags, and paid tribute to the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, under whose leadership the revolutionary movements triumphed over the despotic regime of Pahlavi on February 11, 1979.