Cameroon Says Regional Forces Free 5,000 Boko Haram Captives

Cameroon Says Regional Forces Free 5,000 Boko Haram Captives

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Regional West African forces freed 5,000 captives from a Boko Haram base in a more than week-long operation that also completely destroyed the militants' hideout in mountains along the Nigeria-Cameroon border, Cameroon said Wednesday.

The "hostages freed consisted mostly of women, children and elderly people," Communications Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary told a news conference.

He added that 21 Boko Haram suspects had been arrested in the raid in the Mandara Mountains between Feb. 26 and March 7, which destroyed a fuel depot and recovered weapons, motorcycles, around 50 bicycles and "various propaganda objects".

Nigerian Boko Haram has been fighting since 2009 to try to establish a medieval caliphate in the Lake Chad region, where Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger and Chad join. A coordinated push by the militaries of these four nations dismantled much of the territory Boko Haram once held, but it remains capable of launching lethal attacks, often targeting the civilian population, Reuters reported.

In 2014 Boko Haram gunmen abducted 276 schoolgirls from the Nigerian village of Chibok, to worldwide horror, and some 200 of them are thought to still be in captivity.

The Lake Chad region has witnessed an increase in attacks bearing the hallmarks of Boko Haram in markets and refugee camps since late 2016, and the United Nations says more than seven million people risk starvation owing to insecurity there.

As its fighters have been increasingly been killed or locked up, the militants have sometimes resorted to using female captives as suicide bombers.

Four female teenage suicide bombers killed two people and injured 16 others on Wednesday in the northeast Nigerian city of Maiduguri, where the uprising first began.

Bakary said no Cameroonian soldiers had been killed in the raid, though one had been wounded.

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