Saudi Aggression Aims to Force Yemen into Western Bloc’s Submission: US Analyst

Saudi Aggression Aims to Force Yemen into Western Bloc’s Submission: US Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American author and researcher said the ongoing Saudi aggression against Yemen is aimed at cowing the Arab country into the submission of an Anglo-American-Zionist Western Bloc.

“The role Saudi Arabia is playing now in Yemen is designed to bomb them into submission and then absorb them into the Western Bloc. This would bring the entire Arabian Peninsula under Western control. This would bring the entire Arabian Peninsula under Western control,” Walt Peretto told the Tasnim New Agency.

He added, “The United States is the most powerful military nation in the Western Bloc, so it makes sense that most of the weaponry and chemicals used to kill the Yemeni people are going to be supplied by the US”.

Walt Peretto is an American writer, researcher, analyst, and sociopolitical psychologist. He writes for several online news magazines. He is also working on a book that will introduce the groundwork for sociopolitical psychology which is the study of the behaviors behind social systems and their interactions.

Following is the full text of the interview.

Tasnim: For almost two years, the Yemeni civilians have been targets of cruel attacks and airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition. Yemen’s Legal Center for Rights and Development, an independent monitoring group, has recently put the civilian death toll at 12,041, including 2,568 children and 1,870 women. According to the United Nations, nearly 3.3 million people in Yemen, including 2.1 million children, are acutely malnourished because of the war and total siege imposed on them. They include 460,000 children under age of five with the worst form of malnutrition, who risk dying of pneumonia or diarrhea. Why is the international community so indifferent to the heinous crimes committed by the Al Saud regime in the Arabian Peninsula country?

Peretto:Saudi Arabia is firmly established as a major strategic player in the most powerful geopolitical bloc on the Earth today---which is the Anglo-American-Zionist led Western Bloc. These nations and all under its influence comprise the most powerful political entity in human history and is the likely prelude to a proposed one world order. Yemen, along with Syria and Iran, are still considered independent of the Western Bloc, and while Syria is undergoing destabilization through terrorist groups funded and trained by the Western Bloc -- Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition of bombing campaigns aimed at Yemeni destabilization. These criminal acts are the direct cause of most of the barbaric suffering by the Yemeni people. The Western Bloc’s corrupt corporate media are portraying the suffering as solely the result of a civil conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. While there is genuine concern about the plight of the Yemeni people by countries like Iran and others outside the Western Bloc, there remains little concern within the Bloc mainly due to the skewed Western mainstream media and its influence over its populations when it comes to the awareness of geopolitical reality.

Tasnim: As Saudi Arabia and its staunch allies bury Yemeni civilians under the rubble of their airstrikes, some Western states, which claim to defend human rights across the world, not only are keeping silent but also supporting the coalition’s genocide in Yemen. The United States has backed the Saudi-led war with weapons, logistics and political support. What do you think about the role of the US and some other Western countries in the Saudi war crimes?

Peretto: The ultimate objective of the Anglo-American-Zionist Western Bloc is to create a one-world system of domination and control by a small elite over ALL of the world’s resources (both human and material). The role Saudi Arabia is playing now in Yemen is designed to bomb them into submission and then absorb them into the Western Bloc. This would bring the entire Arabian Peninsula under Western control. The United States is the most powerful military nation in the Western Bloc, so it makes sense that most of the weaponry and chemicals used to kill the Yemeni people are going to be supplied by the US. Great Britain remains the financial capital of the West, while Israel remains its ‘police precinct’ in the Middle East. The public relations/propaganda (mainstream media) factions of the Western Bloc are careful to portray a facade of being proponents of human rights around the world, but unfortunately, reality tells a different narrative.

Tasnim: In your opinion, why does not the Riyadh regime, which has reached none of its objectives behind the prolonged war, want to end the bloodshed and resolve the crisis through peaceful means?

Peretto: Riyadh has no interest in peace short of the establishment of a unified world order under one system of dominance and control by a small elite. The descendants of today’s House of Saud will likely be part of this projected elite either as equals or junior partners---unless they are ultimately betrayed by the dominant Anglo-American-Zionists. But this is too far into the future and far too speculative to waste much energy on these details at this point. In the meantime, the House of Saud understands their role in implementation of a one-world system with no desire for peace or the advancement of empathic humanity. This blood lust is a result of organized psychopathy. Many of the people behind these violent and self-serving agendas are ‘primary psychopaths’ who are psychophysiologically incapable of feeling empathy for others and believe the world is theirs for their own exploitation. To counteract these behaviors, we, as empathic humans, must become educated about these mental disorders because the biggest fear of the psychopath is exposure. Political change is merely a revolving door---for empathic humanity to prevail we must raise our consciousness to a higher spiritual level. The leaders of the Western Bloc and their agents expend tremendous amounts of energy and resources to distract empathic humanity from reaching its human/spiritual potential.  

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