Applicants Registration for Presidential Candidacy Starts in Iran

Applicants Registration for Presidential Candidacy Starts in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Applicants seeking candidacy for the post of president began to sign up at Iran’s Interior Ministry in Tehran on Tuesday. The registration process will last for five days.

On early Tuesday morning, the process of registration of the applicants for candidacy kicked off on Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli’s official order.

Addressing journalists, the minister said the whole executive, judicial, and security bodies must stick to the rule of law during the process of preparation for the precentral election.

After the registration period ends, the Guardian Council will have five days for vetting process to assess the qualification of the applicants.

The final list of the candidates will be released afterwards, and they will have 20 days for electoral campaigns, before the election day on May 19.

The number of eligible voters in the upcoming election is estimated to be around 1.5 million higher than the 50.5 million in the previous round four years ago.

In comments on the occasion of the new Iranian year on March 21, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the world is astonished by Iran’s religious democracy, which is based upon election, and called on all eligible voters to participate in the upcoming elections.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that he never intervenes in the election, unless when somebody would seek to confront the result of people’s vote.

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